Here’s a selection of my favorite NLP (and related) titles, and What I’m reading now.
Heart of the Mind – Steve and Connirae Andreas
This is an enjoyable tour through the application of specific Neuro-Linguistic Programming processes in story form. These are actual interventions with context. Each of the 21 chapters on a specific context includes a summary step-by-step walk through of the process used.
Introducing NLP – Joseph O’Connor and John Seymour
My pal Joseph wrote what i call the textbook for NLP 101, the introductory college class. Written by Joseph as he was taking his NLP Practitioner training John Semour, the trainer at the time chipped in too. It is very clear and an easy read.
I distinguish these from “NLP: The Essential Guide” in the following: The focus of my book is do-it-yourself methods of applying NLP to yourself, and within your life and those around you. Heart of the Mind is how to use NLP with others, and Introducing is a more formal description.
Additional books with different focuses:
Transforming Negative Self-Talk: Practical, Effective Exercises by Steve Andreas
“Rather than changing the words themselves, Steve Andreas’s approach is to change how the words are spoken through specific, easy-to-implement techniques, such as changing the location of the voice; its distance from you; its tempo, tone, or volume …”
Core Transformation – Connirae and Tamara Andreas
An amazing and deceptively simple way to transform limitations into assets. ““Core Transformation is a brilliant book about a brilliant process. It quickly takes you to the core of your being. What a powerful and simple gift! I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to achieve higher states of love, peace and joy!” – Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul
Coming to Wholeness: How to Awaken and Live with Ease – Connirae Andreas
A series of crises in the author’s life led her on an intensive search for solutions. The result is a new method of personal transformation that is simpler, gentler, more direct, and also appears to be more effective and dependable than previous approaches. What makes Wholeness Work unique is that it’s based on a spiritual teaching about awakening—but goes farther to offer a method that’s specific, precise and universally accessible. You don’t need to have spiritual interest or beliefs to benefit.
And a deeper dive:
My Voice Will Go with You: The Teaching Tales of Milton H. Erickson – Sidney Rosen
Erickson was one of the progenitors of NLP. He was the foremost medical Hypnotherapist of his time and his work was leagues ahead of anyone. This is an easy introduction to his work.
Pair it with
Therapeutic Metaphors: Helping Others Through the Looking Glass – David Gordon
Here you can see what can be created by understanding the work of Milton Erickson. David was one of the original developers of NLP and focused his attention on the use of metaphor in therapeutic contexts.
And then:
The reciprocal of the hypnotic language patterns, where specifically vague language is used, is the MetaModel, where specificity punches through the fog of over-generalizations, deletions, distortions and other language traps. Here’s a straightforward exploration which was one of my foundational books in the field.
Magic of NLP Demystified – Byron Lewis and Frank Pucelik
Also part of the original NLP team at UC Santa Cruz, this contribution stands the test of time. “With new and updated material this is the second edition of a work which has long been regarded as one of the best introductions to NLP and, in particular, its Language of Communication model”
Current Reads:
A Sense Of Self by Veronica O’Keane A survey and history of the development of Neuroscience. Wonderfully well written by a researcher and practitioner, this is a gem. Naturally the first few chapters were, for me, filled with “yes, we discovered that relationship in NLP back in the 70’s – 80’s – 90’s. 😉
Visual Intelligence by Amy E. Herman Many times people have asked me how to make a living in NLP. You don’t make a living in NLP, you make a richer more fulfilling life with NLP, I would reply.
You use the abilities you gain from learning NLP to develop your passion and presence in the field you want to claim. Amy, as far as I know, has no formal NLP training. Yet by naturally developing an interest in deep obsevational skills, what in NLP is called call visual sensory acuity and calibration (Section 1 of you NLP Practitioner Training, if it was a real one), she trained herself to see more of what was actually there, instead of illusions. With that she has built a totally 21st Century career, including the TED talks, NYT best selling book, and rich consulting career.
Never Spit the Difference by Chris Voss Chris was an FBI hostage negotiator. This makes for an interesting story of a career in high stakes negotiation actually doing what Trump only pretended he could. With a good ratio of in the field story and the ‘how-to’ this is a very accessible read with two very simple and effective strategies for negotiating. You’ll find your time rewarded whether it is happily choosing where to have dinner with your spouse or how to break through to that car salesman and get what you want from him.